You Need THIS Mindset (Attention Small Biz Owners!) with Julie Sellers

I am so, so thankful to today’s guest for completely letting me go off the rails and run wild with our conversation. Something you may not know about many interview-style podcasts is as hosts, we try to prep our guests with a list of questions they can expect during the interview. For whatever reason, I threw many of the pre-determined questions for this episode right out the window, and Julie Sellers was totally game. Often times, following your intuition and excitement yields the best results, and my conversation with Julie was no exception! 

Julie is the CEO of a small business advisory firm called Ellevated Outcomes, where she and her team teach and develop customized business strategy for creative entrepreneurs. They offer two paths to clarity & confidence for creative entrepreneurs who have found success in their unique skills, passion, and intuition, and who now seek a sustainable business and a balanced life.

Julie was so genuine and thoughtful in her responses to my questions, (and follow up questions). If she could shout one message from the rooftops, I think it would be this: “CEO” isn’t a big scary commitment, it’s a mindset that can help you reach your goals, however you define them! I cannot wait for you to give our fascinating conversation a listen.

‘Rest is Resistance’ by Tricia Hersey [Making Good Book Club #29]

This is not a business or self-help book.

It is a personal and social history intertwined with a healthy critique of white supremacy and capitalism and the way it influences how we work and the way we value ourselves and our time. Tricia writes from her experience as a black woman and descendant of enslaved people. There was so much in this book that just made me pause and re-read and underline and reflect.

Mindset is certainly a big topic that I tackle fairly often, both on this podcast and in my membership, and Rest is Resistance has given me so much food for thought about how I approach mental health and well-being in my work. I loved talking with Charelle about this book, and as always, seeing what different pieces of wisdom we each picked up on. This was a truly great conversation, and I cannot wait for you to hear it.

How to Create a Personable Brand with Megan Dowd

I am so excited to bring you this episode with a RARE repeat guest! Megan Dowd is a Certified Equity-Centered Coach who specializes in branding. You may remember Megan from the very early days of this podcast, where we chatted about how storytelling can help build strong connections in your business. That is a great episode and if you’re curious about checking it out, it is linked in the shownotes. 

Megan has since joined forces with graphic designer Nicole Yang and Copy, Content and Marketing specialist Latasha Doyle to form Rendezvous Creative, a full service design, branding and coaching agency offering a signature service that combines their talents and expertise. Noticing the predictable bottlenecks that arise as a result of having to communicate across studios and agencies, Megan, Nicole and Latasha have created a completely in-house solution where they can collaborate with each other, and their client.

My conversation with Megan was wide ranging and full of so many things to learn, from the joys of working with a team, to trusting your gut when it comes to your branding strategy. Megan is so much fun to talk to, and I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did.

The Beginner’s Guide to Podcasting

Okay. I’m about to say something that is going to sound like an exaggeration. But I promise you, it’s not.

Here it is:

Starting a podcast has changed my life.

As a result of the simple decision to start a podcast, so much has come into my life. I have new friends! A new community. A new body of work that I’m so proud of. New skills, new confidence, and yes new revenue streams.

So, over 220 episodes into Making Good, I thought it was HIGH TIME that I do a deep dive into podcasting.

How to Be The Ambassador of Your Own Brand with Talyn Rahman-Figueroa

I was really excited to have today’s guest on the show because she offers a totally unique perspective to branding.

Talyn Rahman-Figueroa is a former British diplomat consultant turned brand expert. Her expertise lies in a distinctive realm: empowering solopreneurs to transform themselves into Brand Ambassadors within their respective industries.

Talyn’s background as a UK diplomatic consultant forms the foundation of her approach. Her mission is clear: just as she turned citizens into diplomats, she now turns solo entrepreneurs into Brand Ambassadors. Talyn firmly believes that every solopreneur has the potential to become an industry icon.

It was so fascinating to hear how Talyn incorporates her background in consulting diplomats when working with clients.

Want more engagement? Start here

Here’s something I think just about everyone dreads when it comes to marketing their businesses:


You know. The sound of creating content, sending an email, posting a Reel, sharing anything really to market your business and then… nothing.

No responses. No comments. No likes. No sales. Nothing.

UGH. I know. No fun.

The experience I just described is the exact opposite of ENGAGEMENT, which is the topic of today’s episode.

Today’s episode is a super practical, hands-on episode. We’re going to talk about what engagement is, why it matters, and (what I know you’re all waiting for) how to INCREASE and IMPROVE your engagement. I’m going to give you some real concrete strategies, and my hope is that you will go put these strategies into play!

225: Breaking the Hustle-to-Burnout Pipeline with Doreen Vanderhart

As soon as the pitch for Doreen Vanderhart landed in my inbox, I knew I had to have her on the show. She is passionate about bringing ease back to marketing, and trading burnout for gentle, yet strategic marketing plans. I loved geeking out with someone who is on the same page as me in so many ways.

Doreen Vanderhart is the founder of Knap Creative, a social media marketing and website design agency located near Lethbridge, Alberta. She started Knap Creative because she believes there is an easier and less stressful way to get your goodness into the hands of your people. Doreen and her team offer inspiration and marketing services and are here to support you in living an intentional, relaxed, meaningful life.

Does that not sound like the best? If Doreen had one message for my audience it would be this; Take the pressure off and trust yourself! In our conversation, we chatted about how to do just that, and so much more. Doreen is such a fun, energetic person to talk to, I know you’ll enjoy listening to our conversation as much as I enjoyed having it.

224: How to Finish (part 3 of 3)

Most of us can probably relate to the experience of working really hard on something and then just…. Not finishing. Burning out at mile 25 of the metaphorical marathon.

That’s because creating things in the world is HARD, perhaps most of all when it comes to the point where we say. This is done! This is good enough! I’m proud of this and ready to move on.

But here’s the thing – finishing is where the magic happens. It’s where all your hard work pays off. It’s where you get to say, "I did it."

So, how do we cross that finish line? How do we push past the procrastination, the perfectionism, and the plethora of distractions to finally check that box that says, "Done"?

That’s exactly what we’re diving into today. I’m sharing strategies, experiences, and maybe a little bit of tough love, all designed to get you moving, keep you going, and ultimately, help you finish strong.

223: How to Plan Your Day with Amber De La Garza

As you may have heard me talk about before, I am a big productivity nerd. I love learning and chatting about new strategies and ideas for getting the most out of the day, whatever that means to you. But I know that’s not the case for everyone, and in fact, can be fuel for self-criticism. I’ve been there too. My guest today knows exactly how loaded the word “Productivity” can be, and I am so excited to share her thoughts on a new way to think about being productive.

My guest is Amber De La Garza The Productivity Specialist! Amber has more than a decade of experience helping small business owners maximize profits, reduce stress, and make time for what matters most by improving their time management and elevating their productivity. Amber is a sought-after coach, trainer, speaker, writer, host of the Productivity Straight Talk Podcast and creator of Leverage Lab®. Amber shares her message on her weekly podcast and as Straight Talks both virtually and in-person across the country for audiences that range from small business owners and associations to multinational corporations.

As you’ll hear in this conversation, Amber’s approach to harnessing productivity is right up my alley. Setting realistic goals? Check. Being gentle with yourself? Check. Prioritizing tasks? Check! I’m so excited for you to hear my full chat with Amber. 

222: How to Keep Going (part 2 of 3)

Today’s episode is SO IMPORTANT! And I’m so excited to share it with you.

Because my friend, keeping going is EVERYTHING. Keeping going – or, being consistent – is what really does separate the folks who meet their goals from everyone else.

Which is good news! Because it means you don’t have to be special. You just have to show up every day, consistently.

So! Today is part 2 of a 3-part series here on the podcast. Part 1 was about getting started. Part 2 is about keeping going – that’s today’s episode. And the final episode coming out soon is Part 3 - How to finish.

If you want to start with Part 1 – How to Get Started, go check out episode 217 of Making Good. Then come back here afterward.