

Welcome to
Making Good, the podcast for small businesses who want to make a big impact.

I’m so glad you’re here!

91: How to Increase Your End-of-Year Sales

91: How to Increase Your End-of-Year Sales

Want to take your business to the next level? Learn allll about Making Good Happen -- the monthly membership program designed to help you build a smart, strategic marketing plan — and ACTUALLY take the actions needed to implement it.

🎁HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! 🎁 My holiday gift to you is DOUBLE the episodes in December… so instead of 4 episodes, you’ll see 8 pop into your feed. Thanks for being part of my community. I’m so grateful for you.

For many small businesses, the last few weeks of the year are some of the most important when it comes to sales.

If that’s true for your business, this episode is for you.

In it, I share 11 tips for maximizing your end of year sales and ending 2021 on a high note.

These tips are:

  1. Talk about shipping

  2. Tap into your network

  3. Consistently showing up

  4. Put together gift guides or gift suggestions

  5. Be social

  6. Get festive

  7. Give your audience a gift

  8. Don’t forget email

  9. Offer solutions for last-minute shoppers

  10. Send a holiday card

  11. Don’t disappear after December 25

Resources mentioned:

Want to learn more about my new program, Making Good Happen?
Pop your details in here and I’ll send you more info!





🎙More Making Good🎙

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  • Let's hang on Instagram. Connect with me @laurentilden.

  • Want 100 Marketing Prompts (for free?) Download the PDF here.

92: Apply ‘Mindset’ by Carol Dweck to Your Business (Making Good Book Club #1)

92: Apply ‘Mindset’ by Carol Dweck to Your Business (Making Good Book Club #1)

90: The Power of the Small, Every Day Action with Masami Sato

90: The Power of the Small, Every Day Action with Masami Sato