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Making Good, the podcast for small businesses who want to make a big impact.

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85: How I'm Approaching End-of-Year Marketing Planning

85: How I'm Approaching End-of-Year Marketing Planning

For many listeners, November and December are the busiest and most important sales months of the year.

But with more sales comes more pressure and more work.

So how can we make sure that we do all we can to have a successful, prosperous holiday season… without driving ourselves to complete and total burn out?

The answer is a four-letter-word: PLAN. We make a plan.

In this episode, I discuss how I approach my end-of-year marketing planning, including the following steps:

  1. Get out your calendar

  2. Put in your holiday season personal life non-negotiables

  3. Put in your business dates and deadlines

  4. Plan out your marketing, including website, email, long-form content, social media, etc.

  5. Schedule creation time for this content into your calendar

  6. Using a scheduling tool, get your content scheduled to auto-release (as much of it as you can)

Mentioned in this episode:





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  • Want 100 Marketing Prompts (for free?) Download the PDF here.

86: Influencer Marketing for Small Businesses with Charmaine Charmant

86: Influencer Marketing for Small Businesses with Charmaine Charmant

84: The Power of Local with Sarah Frost

84: The Power of Local with Sarah Frost