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Making Good, the podcast for small businesses who want to make a big impact.

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09: Representation (celebrating PRIDE!)

09: Representation (celebrating PRIDE!)

In episode 9 of the Making Good podcast, we're celebrating PRIDE month with a conversation about representation and the importance of being intentionally inclusive.

In this episode, I share personal experiences related to representation I've had as part of the gay community, and offer some questions you can ask yourself and your business around being as inclusive as possible.


  • Who can see themselves represented in your business? In the photos you post, in your advertisements, in your employees and company leadership, in the vendors and companies you buy from? Who do they feel like your business is FOR?

    When it comes to small business, the idea of representation comes down to this: Who can see themselves represented in your business? In the photos you post, in your advertisements, in your employees and company leadership, in the vendors and companies you buy from? Who do they feel like your business is FOR? When you make decisions about your business, think about showing/supporting people with differently abled bodies and body sizes, skin colors, mental and physical health, income and economic privilege, cultural or religious background, family structure, and gender and gender identity, sexual orientation.

  • Where do you spend your money? Who do you hire to work for you or to provide products or services to you?

    Whether we’re talking about full-time employees or contractors or vendors, where you spend your money matters. If you actively care about providing more opportunity to people who have been traditionally overlooked -- I would encourage you to do a detailed breakdown of your expenses. Look at company ownership and what causes they support. Is every dollar you spend going to build a better, more fair and kind world?

  • Are there parts of your identity you can (safely) share with the world to be a voice of representation?

    Not everyone is in a place where coming out/speaking out is a safe option. But if it is, this is something to consider.

I mentioned one of my favorite business investments that I make each month: Sweaty Social Club (get 10% off your first month with LAUREN10).

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