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Making Good, the podcast for small businesses who want to make a big impact.

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39: Create a Rock Solid Plan for 2021 with Mariah Tomkinson

39: Create a Rock Solid Plan for 2021 with Mariah Tomkinson

In episode 39, Mariah Tomkinson is back to share more of her organizational genius as we approach doing something that is probably on everyone’s minds… make a plan for 2021.

Mariah runs Bloom Hustle Grow, where she helps female service-based entrepreneurs create systems and implement strategies to help them achieve their goals. Mariah is an EXPERT in planning and getting organized, and this is the PERFECT time of year to get your ducks in a row and ready to head into 2021 calm and with a clear plan of action.

Here’s a snapshot of Mariah’s planning process:

  1. Review the current status of your business (check out episode 38 on How to Do a Year in Review).

  2. Identify one North Star Goal
    - It could be a revenue goal, it could be about the impact you make, it could be about the hours you work, etc.
    - It should really motivate you, and it should be tied to the WHY
    - If you’re a rule breaker like me, you can have more than one, just make sure they don’t compete with one another.
    - Feel empowered to make small goals, you can always make new ones!

  3. Make sure your goal fits into your life as a whole (is this the right season for it?)

  4. Identify what needs to CHANGE in order for your goal to happen. What are you going to have to GIVE UP in order for this goal to happen?

  5. Break the goal down into projects:
    - What projects are needed to make the higher goal happen?
    - How many of your products do you need to sell? What marketing strategies will you use? What products will you focus on?
    - Connect your actions with timelines.
    - Divide your focus up by quarter.
    - What marketing needs to happen?
    - What hiring needs to happen?
    - What else do you NEED to make this happen?


Links & recommendations from Mariah:




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